Monday, December 12, 2011

Jacob's First Dentist Appointment and weekend recap

It went really well! I was shocked at how good he was being.  He opened his mouth nice and wide for them to clean.  He never opens that wide for ME!

BUT, his gums are swollen and infected.  The infection is due to the combo of him teething and a cold he caught.   The dentist said he was in a lot of pain which was why he hasn't been eating. 
Poor baby :(

It seem like he had so much fun at the dentist, he didn't want to leave!  He got some toys, a tooth brush and a sticker! He was such a happy camper.

His appetite is slowly coming back,  He ate a lot more yesterday then he did in 3 weeks.

After the dentist, we tried taking pictures with Santa.  Santa was super busy cause there was a 2 hour wait.    I looked at my husband and knew Jacob would not sit in his stroller for that long without freaking out.  So we had to skip Santa's lap.   We are hoping to go to Sesame Place for the Very furry Christmas event this coming Saturday and we will see Santa there.   We can only go if Jacob is feeling 100% better.  He still has a very stuffy nose.

Sunday was uneventful, we stayed home, I made congee (Chinese dish: rice soup), did some house work, laundry... the boring stuff.  

Ohh and I dyed my hair.  I decide to just go back to my roots, dark brown...

I got the Garnier Nutrisse in Sweet Cola, which is a dark brown.

and of course it looks BLACK on my head.
Feeling a little goth right now, but after a few wash I am sure it will lighten up a little bit, so it will look more natural.


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