Monday, May 16, 2011

One Year Photoshoot!

Jacob had his One year old Photos taken this weekend!

It went great ,I guess it’s because the photographer is his uncle, hahahahaha.

We tried to get a shot of him giving me a kiss but he just started attacking me!!!!!


More photos to come





Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jacob's One Year update

Now that Jacob is ONE, here are some milestones he has hit:


  • Self feed finger foods
  • Imitates sounds
  • Blows bubbles and ‘raspberries’
  • Babbles “baby talk”
  • Only calls me “maaaa” when he is upset
  • Calls his dad “Diddy”
  • Go from laying down to sitting independently
  • Pulls self to a stand
  • Shakes his head and say NO
  • Wave bye bye… he does that to EVERYONE….
  • Greet EVERYONE…. He uses the same “bye bye” wave
  • Clap his hands when he sees others doing it, or he will clap when we say “pat pat” which is Chinese for “clap clap”
  • We have a walker! Within 4 days he went from take a few baby steps while holding my finger to almost running across the room all by himself
  • Learned to climb off the couch



A few things we are stuff working on:

  • Feeds self (with spoon)
  • Calling me momma more often (he called he mimi a few times when he wasn’t fussy)
  • Sit still long enough for story time.
  • Drinking from straw

His one year check up will be tomorrow, so we will see what the doctor says.  I believe he is developing just fine, but we will see.





First birthday!!

Happy First Birthday to my Coo Coo Bean

His actual birthday was Monday May 9th and his party was on Saturday May 7th .

It was a success! We had a barn yard theme party (his favorite ipad game is “peeka boo barn”). We had the party at the Camden’s Children Garden. We were in a big tent, there were mini train rides, carousel, butterfly house, plenty of places for all the kiddies to run around.

We had pizza and wings with the usual snacks.

I sure am glad it’s over, it was a pretty stressful month leading up to the party.