Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Playing Hookie and touching a museum

As a working mom, I often feel guilty for not spending enough time with my child.  So once in a while I would take a day off and just spend some time with him.
Today I did just that,  One of my best friend (we go way back.. like 3rd grade back) told me yesterday she wanted to take her kids to please touch museum, So i decided to take the day off and tag along. 

I LOVE the please touch museum, Its just the cutest place. Jacob had such a great time with his friends, we saw a puppet show, did story time, interactive exhibits... and so much more.

Price of admission: Children and Adults: $15

If you are ever in Philadelphia, it's a must see.

Here are some pictures from their adventure.

This is Jacob on the stage at the puppet show... dancing his little heart out.


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