Friday, January 7, 2011

The "aww" factor

Back during my pre-Jacob days, whenever I see or hear a baby/child cry in public (ie: plane, bus, store etc) I would roll my eyes and think "omg, why can't you keep your kid quite?"
I have just realized that I have replace the eye rolling with "Awwwww is she/he ok??"
    Yesterday at a Target run with my Momma, we were in the baby clothes department, as I was digging in the sales section, I can hear a child crying (more like screaming murder),  Instead of ignoring the cries, which is what my pre-baby self would have done, I find my self LOOKING for the child, instead of being annoyed, I found myself wondering if he/she was hurt? or lost?.   He wasn't hurt, his mother was just on the other side of the department ignoring him while he cried like a monkey and half way out of his stroller towards freedom.
But that wasn't the point, the point IS.... that I have gone all ....SOFT and MUSHY.  My old cynical and obnoxious self is slowly fading away.
What is happening to me?????
I blame this on Jacob!  You are turning Mommy soft and mushy....... the inside AND outside!!!!!!


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