The dreaded 8 months sleep regression has begun. Which means I can kiss my sleep goodbye (once again)
Putting him to bed at night time has been a nightmare, cries, cries, cries, I love the look he gives me as he is fighting sleep/me "COME ON LADY! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M UNHAPPY! DO SOMETHING!! I DON'T WANT TO SLEEP AND I DON'T WANT TO BE AWAKE EITHER!! DO SOMETHING!"
Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it,I am suppose to just wait it out.
After 3 hours of google-ing here's basically what I found out
“The “8-month sleep regression” (which for some babies is closer to a 9-month sleep regression) is related to the 37-week spurt. For some reason that one just seems to cause more waking, too, than some of the other spurts do. It might also be particularly hard because many babies are smack in the middle of working on crawling or walking, and also teething"
Wonderful, we are smacked dab right in the middle of this. When he hit the 4 month growth spurt, it took about a week and a half for things to go back to normal.
*sigh* now this is supposedly be the more "awaken" spurt? ugghhh so it sounds like I will have at least one more week.
Its actually pretty amazing to watch how a baby grows into a toddler.
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