Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baby Crush

Jacob is teething right now, so he would wake up scream-crying from the pain.  It's such a sad hearbreaking cry, I tried giving him orajel but he refused to open his mouth.  
The only thing that stopped him from crying is the orajel BOX. When I take the box away he would cry murder.
I think he has a crush on the baby on the orajel box.  When he sees that box, he smiles and laughs.  He would look at it, hug it, laugh at it.   He would happily open his mouth as long as he has that box in his hand.  Whatever gets him thru the night! 
*shaking my head*  Out of all the toys and blankets I buy him, its the orajel box he likes best.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Oriental Coleslaw Recipe

A very yummy and easy to make salad.

I got this recipe from a co-worker who made it for our pot luck office party during Christmas.
I made it for the first time this weekend and it was a BIG hit.

1 lb pkg prepared coleslaw
5 green onions
2 pkgs ramen noodles, crumbled
4 oz slivered almonds
2 oz sesame seeds
1 stick butter

1/2 Cup Sugar
1 Cup Veg oil
1/2 Cup white vinegar
1 Tablespoon Soy sauce

Melt butter in pan. Sauté ramen noodles (do not use seasoning), almonds and sesame seeds until golden brown. Cool.
Chop green onions and add to coleslaw.
Add sauté mixture to coleslaw.
Mix dressing and add to coleslaw when ready to serve.

Picture of the day!

Look at that pose! He was born to model
MMS text from my mom

Monday, January 17, 2011

Bottle drying rack

After 8 months my old bottle drying rack is falling part, well RIP. I never really liked the thing anyway. It was cheaply made, flimsy and it was a pain in the booty to clean.

I finally order what I had my eye on for months.
It's the Boon Grass Counter top drying rackFirst of all: How cute is this????
Its a great space saver, it holds a lot more bottles then my old one and its way more easy to clean.

It's currently on sale at

Friday, January 7, 2011

The "aww" factor

Back during my pre-Jacob days, whenever I see or hear a baby/child cry in public (ie: plane, bus, store etc) I would roll my eyes and think "omg, why can't you keep your kid quite?"
I have just realized that I have replace the eye rolling with "Awwwww is she/he ok??"
    Yesterday at a Target run with my Momma, we were in the baby clothes department, as I was digging in the sales section, I can hear a child crying (more like screaming murder),  Instead of ignoring the cries, which is what my pre-baby self would have done, I find my self LOOKING for the child, instead of being annoyed, I found myself wondering if he/she was hurt? or lost?.   He wasn't hurt, his mother was just on the other side of the department ignoring him while he cried like a monkey and half way out of his stroller towards freedom.
But that wasn't the point, the point IS.... that I have gone all ....SOFT and MUSHY.  My old cynical and obnoxious self is slowly fading away.
What is happening to me?????
I blame this on Jacob!  You are turning Mommy soft and mushy....... the inside AND outside!!!!!!

Top 5 Reasons why I love being a mom

1: Someone will always welcome me home with a big smile
2: It's a great feeling knowing someone needs me
3: Now I can make all kinds of funny faces and someone will actually enjoy them!
4: Learn to be selfless, putting someone's needs ahead of my own.
5: I never feel lazy these days. When I do get a break, I know its well deserved.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

8 months Sleep Regression?? He is not 8 months YET!

The dreaded 8 months sleep regression has begun. Which means I can kiss my sleep goodbye (once again)

Putting him to bed at night time has been a nightmare, cries, cries, cries, I love the look he gives me as he is fighting sleep/me "COME ON LADY! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M UNHAPPY! DO SOMETHING!! I DON'T WANT TO SLEEP AND I DON'T WANT TO BE AWAKE EITHER!! DO SOMETHING!"

Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it,I am suppose to just wait it out.
After 3 hours of google-ing here's basically what I found out

“The “8-month sleep regression” (which for some babies is closer to a 9-month sleep regression) is related to the 37-week spurt. For some reason that one just seems to cause more waking, too, than some of the other spurts do. It might also be particularly hard because many babies are smack in the middle of working on crawling or walking, and also teething"

Wonderful, we are smacked dab right in the middle of this. When he hit the 4 month growth spurt, it took about a week and a half for things to go back to normal.

*sigh* now this is supposedly be the more "awaken" spurt? ugghhh so it sounds like I will have at least one more week.

Its actually pretty amazing to watch how a baby grows into a toddler.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year

New years resolution: Keep up with my blog :)

Happy New year!!!
I cannot believe it is 2011 already. My little boy is growing up so fast
and my 2 main resultion this year is to keep up with this blog and to lose the baby weight!

I have been slacking, 8 months post partum and I havent lost a pound! Infact....i think I may have gained!!!!!! the HORROR.

A little update on Jacob:
He will be 8months on the 9th of janurary
He is a eatting machine... no probmelms with soilds so far
he is a bad sleeper, very fussy and takes forever to go down at night
he can sit and stand with support but shows no sign of crawling.
he has NO teeth yet