Toy Story!
He is seriously obsessed with the whole toy story gang.
My brother who is also a huge toy story fan has all 3 movies and loaned it to Jacob. Now everyday he will ask for Woody... its woody woody all day long! (he could watch the movie 10 times in a row if I let him)
and for Christmas my bestie got him a Plush woody and buzz doll
He loves them both, but clearly WOODY is his main guy. He takes them everywhere with him.
He sits them on the couch, feeds them treats, gives them lots of hugs & kisses and tells them "luv youuuu" (feeling a little jealous here lol) I must admit... its nice knowing if I had to do something, all I have to do it pop in the DVD and he will sit still for an hour
He has never been attached to dolls or blankets before. So it's so great to finally see him love something so much and actually being gentle with his toys (he usually throws everything he can get his little hands on)
I do want to get him the actual talking toy verison of Buzz and Woody for his 2nd birthday, but in the mean time these plush are prefect for him.
He also calls Mr Potato Head "Tay Tay" hahaha too cute!
omg Jacob and Maliya would be BFFs!!! She is obsessed with toy story too!!!!!