Where does the time go????
He is 19 months today! In a blink of an eye, my little baby love turn into a big boy love!
- Diaper Size: 4
- Clothing Size: 18-24 months
- Shoe Size: 7
- Weight and Height: TBD (well check up on 12/21)
- Current Shows: caillou and super why. He still likes his Sesame street but he is totally into caillou these days.
He is learning things at such a fast pace... it's kinda scaring me a little.
He tells me what he wants to eat, by saying "Yessssss" (he drags out his "s") or "No!"
He can say YOGURT!
He throws his own diapers away in the diaper champ. (I am waiting for the day he can change his own diapers LOL)
He will keep saying NO over and over and over again if I am watching anything thats not on the sprout channel.
He laughs when anyone farts (himelf included)
He can say grandma, grandpa, uncle and auntie to my husband and my parents and siblings.
He know to get his shoes to go out when I say "shoe shoe"
He knows the "if your happy and you know it song"
and he just starting trying to sing the caillou theme song
I am sure I am missing a whole bunch of stuff, but that's all I can remember for now.
I can't believe he is 19 Months!! 5 more months until his 2nd Birthday! oh my! Is it time to start planning his party?? hehehe.
Awww my baby love, you are growing up way too fast.
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