Now that Jacob is ONE, here are some milestones he has hit:
- Self feed finger foods
- Imitates sounds
- Blows bubbles and ‘raspberries’
- Babbles “baby talk”
- Only calls me “maaaa” when he is upset
- Calls his dad “Diddy”
- Go from laying down to sitting independently
- Pulls self to a stand
- Shakes his head and say NO
- Wave bye bye… he does that to EVERYONE….
- Greet EVERYONE…. He uses the same “bye bye” wave
- Clap his hands when he sees others doing it, or he will clap when we say “pat pat” which is Chinese for “clap clap”
- We have a walker! Within 4 days he went from take a few baby steps while holding my finger to almost running across the room all by himself
- Learned to climb off the couch
A few things we are stuff working on:
- Feeds self (with spoon)
- Calling me momma more often (he called he mimi a few times when he wasn’t fussy)
- Sit still long enough for story time.
- Drinking from straw
His one year check up will be tomorrow, so we will see what the doctor says. I believe he is developing just fine, but we will see.
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