I have stopped blogging in my 3rd trimester. At the time i thought I felt tired and drained, well that is NOTHING compare to now!
My little one was born on May 9th 2010. Yep, he was born on mother's day.Labor was terrible, I was in there for over 48 hours, they had to redo my epidural THREE times! I finally felt the numbness with the last one but that didn't last long, it all wore off before I had my baby. All the pain was worth it as soon as I saw my baby.
So it has been two months, it has been pretty stressful. I had to deal with a slight case of PPD , moving into a new house and a screaming baby.
All I have to say is thank god for my family and friends who has help out. Without their help I think my slight case of PPD would have went off into the deep end.
I have to thank my mom most of all. She has taught me so much in such a short amount of time. I hope one day to be as great of a mother as she is.
After 2 months, I think I am finally finding my place. Jacob still doesn't STTN but I guess that's normal since he is so young (however, it would be nice for ME to STTH)
I am so excited to be a mom and can't wait for my baby to hit his milestones. He changes everyday! He is amazing, I could sit here and watch him all day long.
24 hours old...the smile that melts my heart