I am a total bag/purse whore so when I found out I was pregnant, one of the first things I started thinking about buying was a Diaper Bag.
I have alway had my eyes on the juicy couture diaper bag
$195 on sale at nordstrom

So during my 3rd month my Aunt from Hong Kong came to visit, I saw the bag at nordstrom and couldn't put it down. Next thing I knew my aunt grabbed the bag and bought it for me! It was a big pink bag (my favortie color) but we still didn't know the gender, my aunt justifted the bag by saying it will be ME carrying the bag not the baby, so that makes it ok. hahaha
That was the first bag....
My second bag was an implusive buy, saw it online, loved it and bought it. This was last week, so I know little bambino was a boy.
It's a dante beatrix

I LOVE the huge baby head on it! so cute!
Now I know I don't NEED more than one diaper bag, but so what? I like bags! So get off my back!
Theres one more I need to buy... It's for K... He wants a "manly" Diaper bag.
So I am going with Skip Hop messenger

This will be my little gift to him. He will need one of his own since he WILL be taking the baby to doctor visits from time to time.
I maybe going over board with this bag thing, but I can't help it! I am a bag lady!
Besides, I can't really shop for the baby until my babyshowers.